Development Fund
Development Fund: Crucial part of Oracle AI growth
The Development Fund of Oracle AI plays a vital role within our ecosystem, as the financial foundation that sustains the ongoing evolution and innovation of our platform. It is well-managed to ensure long-term stability and to finance the strategic objectives of Oracle AI.
Sources of Oracle AI Development Fund
Service Fees from Renting GPU: A portion of the fund comes from the service fees of renting out GPU access in Oracle AI. Users will pay the fee in $ETH, and half of the revenue will contribute to the development.
Taxes from trading activities: 40% of the trading taxes will be put into the development fund to grow the project.
Profit from GPU Mining: Oracle AI control a large amount of GPU, and a part of those GPUs would be used to mine POW coins. 50% of the profits from this activity will be distributed to $ORC stakers, while the other 50% part will be put in the development fund.
AI Train-to-Earn Revenue: A substantial 50% of the total revenue generated from our AI Train-to-Earn service would be allocated to the project fund. This significant contribution is vital for the long-term sustainability and growth of Oracle AI, to provide better services for individuals and enterprises.
Distribution of Oracle AI Development Fund
The Development Funds will be used to reinforce and expand the Oracle AI ecosystem:
Investing in Innovation & Operation: We’ll put some of the Development Funds into making sure our operations run smoothly. Improving our technology and keeping the infrastructure up and running. It's all about ensuring that Oracle AI can provide users with the best possible service.
Research & Development Expenses: One of the most important things we do with our Development Funds is reinvest in our infrastructure. By doing this, Oracle AI not only makes sure we can handle more operations, but Oracle AI also opens up more opportunities to generate revenue for everyone involved in the ecosystem.
Empowering the Community: We set aside a portion of our Development Funds for initiatives that bring our community together. These efforts are all about fostering an exciting and engaged community around Oracle AI, where everyone feels empowered to contribute to our shared success.
Partnerships Growth: The Development Funds are also used to facilitate strategic acquisitions and partnerships that align with Oracle AI's long-term vision and objectives. These initiatives serve to strengthen our position within the blockchain industry, enhancing our growth trajectory and expanding our influence.
Buyback and Burn $ORC tokens: The unused part of Oracle AI Development Fund will be used for Buyback and Burn monthly. You can read more about our Auto-Burn Mechanism in the next section.
Last updated